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  1. Om nom nom: Blueberry Cheesecake

    Thursday 16 August 2012

    As my family and Kerwyn's family really loved the blueberry cheesecake that I baked, I decided to share the recipe!
    Mum's birthday cake
    Some tips for baking cheesecake:
    1. Make sure the cream cheese mixture is really well-beaten so that there's no clumps. It makes the cake softer.
    2. Bake in a water bath - Fill water in tart moulds and place ~4 of them in the oven. This is a tip that I read online and it helps to make the texture more fluffy. Apparently, it seems to prevent the top of the cake from cracking too. I'll experiment this method with other cakes and see if its helps.
    The cake was really yummy! It's so delicious that Kerwyn said it's starbucks standard! Hee~
    It's true! The blueberries we got were really sweet on their own. The jam also adds to the great taste combination. Eating the cheescake when chilled is the best. Since the slices are pretty thin, it's not as "jelat" as other cheesecakes. Furthermore, the cheese, being Philadelphia cheese cannot go wrong. The base of the cake is digestives, which makes gives another texture to it. I wonder how it'll taste with Oreos!

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